1 - B. Lasri , M. Bouamoud et R. Gayet "Application du principe variationnel de Schwinger à l’excitation directe du Fe24+(1s2) à 400 Mev par impact de différent atomes : contribution des états du continuum ", Physical and Chemical News Journal. Volume 20, November 2004, p. 12 -17. http://www.pcnjournal.com/df0320_737.htm
2 - B. Zarour, C. Champion , J. Hanssen and B. Lasri, "Charge transfer and dissociation of H2 molecule in slow collisions with C4+ ions " , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 235 (2005), 374–377. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168583X05004209
3 - A. Bouserhane, B. Lasri et M. Bouamoud "Excitation de l’hydrogène atomique par impact de protons aux énergies intermédiaires: Un calcul dans le formalisme de diffusion multiple de Glauber" ,Physical and Chemical News Journal. Volume 27, Janvier 2006, p. 10 -15. http://www.pcnjournal.com/2703_1107.htm
4 - B. Lasri, A. Bouserhane, M. Bouamoud et R. Gayet " Nouvelle modélisation du phénomène de canalisation de l’ion Xe52+(1s2) dans un monocristal de Silicium " , Physical and Chemical News Journal. Volume 28, Mars 2006, p. 97 -102. http://www.pcnjournal.com/2818_1098.htm
5 - B. Lasri, M. Bouamoud and R. Gayet, "Variational approach to excitation of atomic hydrogen atoms by impacts of protons at intermediate velocities", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Volume 251, issue 1, September 2006, p. 66-77. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168583X06006823
6 - B. Lasri, M. Bouamoud and J. Hanssen, "A new variationnal model for the excitation of Ar16+ ions impinging on neutral gaseous targets at intermediate impact energies", Journal of Electron Devices, Vol. 5, 2007, pp. 127-131. http://www.jeldev.org/5LASRI.pdf
7 – I. Abbas , C. Champion , B. Zarour ,B. Lasri and J. Hanssen " Single and multiple cross sections for ionizing processes of biological molecules by protons and α-particle impact: a classical Monte Carlo approach" Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53 (2008), N41–N51 http://iopscience.iop.org/0031-9155/53/4/N03/
8 – B. Lasri, M. Bouamoud and J. Hanssen, "Application of the schwingerprinciple for excitation processes in the H++be3+ collision at intermediate energies" Science, technologie & développement, éditée par l’Agence Nationale pour le Développement de la Recherche Universitaire (ANDRU), Volume 003,p 96-101,(2008), ISSN : 1112 - 7309.
14- A. Bouserhane, M. Bouamoud, B. Lasri, "Continuum variational contribution in excitation cross sections of atomic hydrogen within pseudo-state method", Journal of Science Research N°4, Vol. 1, p. 3-6, December (2012). http://www2.univ-bechar.dz/jrs/numero.php?num=6
15- F. Khelfaoui, B. Lasri and O. Abbes, "Variational Approach to Excitation in P +Li2+ Collisions at Intermediate and High Impact Energies", Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A 3 (1) 66-73, (2013). http://www.davidpublishing.org/show.html?9905
17- M. Sahlaoui, M. Bouamoud, B. Lasri, and M. Dogan, "Ionization of a water molecule by electron impact in coplanar symmetric and asymmetric geometries", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 115206 (6pp). doi:10.1088/0953-4075/46/11/115206 http://m.iopscience.iop.org/0953-4075/46/11/115206
18- N. Seddiki, T. Ouahrani, B. Lasri, T. Benouaz, A.H. Reshak, B. Bouhafs, "Electronic structure, optical and dielectric constantof compounds Indium-based: InAlP2, and InGaP2 in its chalcopyrite, CuPt and CuAu-I structures", Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 16 (2013) 1454–1465 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369800113001066 19 – H.A. Rekrak, B. Lasri, O. Abbes, F. Khelfaoui,Y. Si Abderrahmane, " Application of the Schwinger variational principle to the excitation of Kr34+ by impacts of bare atoms at intermediate energies", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , Vol. 3, Issue 3, (2013), pp.857-862. http://www.ijera.com/pages/v3no3.html
20- M. Sahlaoui, B. Lasri and M. Bouamoud, “Analytical formula for electron-impact ionization cross section in the one Coulomb wave model”, Canadian Journal of Physics, 2014, 92(2): 136-140, 10.1139/cjp-2013-0342. http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjp-2013-0342
21- F Labani, T Ouahrani, B Lasri and M Mebrouki, “Local and global properties of the ordered double perovskite Sr2YTaO6: an ab initio study”, Phys. Scr. 89 (2014) 115804 (12pp), doi:10.1088/0031-8949/89/11/115804, http://iopscience.iop.org/1402-4896/89/11/115804/
22- Murat Yavuz, Nimet Isik, Zehra Nur Ozer, Melike Ulu, Mevlut Dogan, Mohammed Sahlaoui, Nour El Houda Benmansour, Boumediene Lasri, Mammar Bouamoud, “Comprehensive Experimental and Theoretical Study of Double Differential Cross Sections for CH4 at 300 and 350 eV Incident Electron Energies”, Canadian Journal of Physics, 2014, 92(12): 1676-1680, 10.1139/cjp-2014-0126. http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjp-2014-0126
23- B. Lasri, C. Champion, M. Sahlaoui, M. Bouamoud, and M. Dogan, “ Schwinger Variational Approach for the Evaluation of Balmer-αEmission Cross Sections in Proton-Hydrogen Atom Collision at Intermediate Impact Energies”, Chinese Journal of Physics, Volume 52, N 5, October 2014, p. 1498-1507. http://psroc.phys.ntu.edu.tw/cjp/issues.php?vol=52&num=5
24- N. Isika, M. Yavuz, E. Aksoy, Z. N. Ozer, M. Ulu, M. Sahlaoui, L. Boumediene, M. Bouamoud, M. Dogan, « Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical DoubleDifferential Cross Sections of CH4 at 250 eV Impact Energy”, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, Vol. 127 , N° 4, p 1112-114 (2015). DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.1112 http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/ABSTR/127/a127-4-70.html
25- Mohammed Chetioui, Nadia Benabdallah, Nasreddine Benahmed, Boumedienne Lasri, “Design of Novel Cross-Coupled Trisection Bandpass Filters with Open-Loop Resonators”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May-2015. http://www.ijser.org/research-paper-publishing-may-2015_page7.aspx
_____________________________________________________________________ II. Communications Internationales:
Je mentionne ici les participations à des séminaire internationaux ayant donné lieu à une présentation orale ou poster en collaboration avec les autres partenaires. 1- M. Bouamoud and B. Lasri, " Variational approach to excitation of H(2p) in He2+ - H collisions at intermediate impact velocities ", 26 th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 14 -18 June 1999, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
2- M. Bouamoud and B. Lasri, " Variational approach to excitation in P+Li2+ collisions at intermediate impact velocities ", XXI International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC), 22-27 July 1999, Sendai, Japan.
3- M. Bouamoud and B. Lasri, " Variational approach to excitation in P+Be3+ collisions at intermediate and high impact velocities ", 27th European Physical Society Conference on Controled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 12-16 June 2000, Budapest, Hungary.
4- B. Lasri and M. Bouamoud, " Saturation effect of excitation cross sections of Fe24+ at intermediate impact energies ", 5th International Meeting on Energetic Physics, SIPE5, 7-9 November 2000, Béchar, Algeria.
5- M. Bouamoud , B. Lasri and L. Bettadj "Formation of H(2p) states in He2+-H collisions at intermediate impact velocities ", 29th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Montreux, 17th-21th June 2002, Lausanne, Suisse.
6- B. Lasri and M. Bouamoud, " Continuum States Contribution in excitation cross section of Li2+ by proton in the energy range of 36 - 720 Kev amu-1 ", 6th International Meeting on Energetic Physics, SIPE'6 7-9 November 2002, Béchar, Algeria.
7- M. Bouamoud , B. Lasri and L. Bettadj, " Variational approach to evaluation of Balmer-?; emission cross section in proton-hydrogen atom collision at intermediate velocities ", XXVIth International Conference on Phenomen in ionized Gases, July 15-20, 2003, Greifswald, Germany.
8- B. Lasri, L. Bettadj et M. Bouamoud " nouvelle approche du phénomène de canalisation de l'ion Xe52+(1s2) dans un monocristal de silicium ", Conférence International sur la Physique et ses applications CIPA'2003 , 8-10 December 2003, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran, Mohame Boudiaf, Oran, Algeria.
9- B. Lasri, L. Bettadj and M. Bouamoud " Xe52+ ion chanaling in silicon monocristal " international congress on photovoltaic and wind Energies ICPWE"2003 , 20, 21 & 22 December 2003, Tlemcen, Algérie.
10- B. Lasri, L. Bettadj, M. Bouamoud and R. gayet " Variational excitation of atoms by ions impact ", International Conference on Physical systems, Electrical, Electronics Engineering and communication ELECOM" 04 , du 04 - 05 May 2004 , Centre Universitaire de SAIDA, Algérie.
11- B. Lasri, B. Zarour, J. Hanssen, C. Champion and I. Abbas " Electron impact ionization cross section of multi-electron atoms ", ECAMP VIII, 8th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 6-10 july 2004, Rennes, France.
12- B. Lasri, L. Bettadj and M. Bouamoud, " new of Schwinger S(14-14) variational approach applied to Xe52+(1s2) ion chanaling in silicon monocristal " ECAMP VIII, 8th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 6-10 july 2004, Rennes, France.
13- B. Zarour, C. Champion, J. Hanssen, B. Lasri and I. Abbas " Charge transfer in H2 molecule collision with slow hight energy ions " , ECAMP VIII, 8th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 6-10 july 2004, Rennes, France.
14- M. Bouamoud , B. Lasri and L. Bettadj, " Formation of H(2s) states in protons hydrogen atom collision at intermediate impact velocities ", ECAMP VIII, 8th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 6-10 july 2004, Rennes, France.
15- M. Bouamoud , B. Lasri and L. Bettadj, " Excitation of metastable H(2s) states by protons at intermediate impact velocities ", ECAMP VIII, 8th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 6-10 july 2004, Rennes, France.
16- B. Zarour, C. Champion, J. Hanssen and B. Lasri " Charge transfer and dissociation of H2 molecule in slow collisions with C4+ ions ", HCI 2004, 12th Internatioanl Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions. Vinius, Luthuania, September 6-11, 2004.
17- B. Lasri, M. Bouamoud and J. Hanssen, " Convergence of the Schwinger veriational approach in the Ar16+ excitation with various target atoms at intermediate impact velocities ", 4ème colloque de la division Physique Atomique, Moléculaire et Optique de la Société Française de Physique, Dijon 5-7 Juillet 2006.
18- B. Lasri, M. Bouamoud and J. Hanssen, " A new variationnal model for the excitation of Ar16+ ions impinging on neutral gaseous targets at intermediate impact energies". Congrès international sur les énergies renouvelables et le développement durable (icresd_07), 21- 24 mai 2007 Tlemcen - Algerie.
19- B. Lasri, participation à Ecole d'été de physique 23-28 juin 2007 -AZEFOUN, UMMTO (TIZI OUZOU), Algeria.
20- M. Bouamoud, B. Lasri, and J. Hanssen, " Variational approach to excitation in p+Be3+ collision at intermediate and high impact velocities", 28th ICPIG, July 15-20, 2007, Prague, Czech republic.
21- B. Lasri, Participation au Tutorial : "First principles molecular dynamics simulations in condensed matter and molecular physics", du 13 au 17 Mai 2008, ENS- Lyon, France.
22- M. Bouamoud, B. Lasri and M. Sahlaoui, " Variational excitation in intermediate energy p+Li2+ collisions ", 2nd Central European Symposium on plasma Chemistry, August 31 - September 4, 2008, Bruno, Czech Republic.
23 – B.Lasri école maroc sur les nanophysique
24 – poster école de nano physique
25 – communication orale séminaire oran
____________________________________________________________________ III. Communications Nationales:
1- B. Lasri et M. Bouamoud " Application du principe variationnel de Schwinger à l'excitation directe des atomes par des ions aux énergies intermédiaires ", 3ème Congrès National de la physique et ses applications, CNPA'98, Oran du 10 au 12 Octobre 1998. Algérie.
2- B. Lasri et M. Bouamoud, " Phénomène de canalisation des particules chargée dans les solides cristallin ". CNSMA'99, Conférence Nationale sur les Sciences des Matériaux et leurs Applications, du 4 au 6 Octobre 1999, USTO, Oran, Algérie.
3- B. Lasri et M. Bouamoud, " New theoretical investigations of saturation effect of excitation cross sections of Fe24+ with various nuclear charges at intermediate impact energies ", 4ème Congrès National de la physique et ses applications, CNPA'2000, Alger du 21 au 23 novembre 2000, Algeria.
4- B. Lasri et M. Bouamoud, " Charge capture and impact excitation in H+ on He+ collision : a case study by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation method ", Premier Séminaire national sur la spectroscopie, du 15 au 17 Décembre 2002, Saïda , Algérie.
5- B. Lasri, L. Bettadj et M. Bouamoud " New of intermediate energy P-Be3+ excitation cross section : an extension of the Schwinger Variational Principle ", Première Conférence Nationale sur les Rayonnements et leurs Applications, Alger du 17 au 19 mai 2004, USTHB, Algérie.
6- B. Lasri, sixième école sur Linux et le logiciel libre, du 10 au 13 juillet 2004, Université Djilali Liabès de Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algérie.
7- B. Lasri, participation à l'école doctorale " Physique-chimie " Journée Scientifique Algéro-Francaise 2004, du 04 au 09 Décembre 2004, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Jijel. Algeria
8- B. Lasri, participation à l'Atelier de formation aux technologies de l'apprentissage, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Université de Mostaganem, du 18 au 22 Décembre 2004.
9- B. Lasri, école sur Linux et le logiciel libre, du 11 au 14 juillet 2005, Centre Universitaire Boudghène Stambouli de Mascara, , Algérie.
10- B. Lasri, douzième école sur Linux et le logiciel libre, du 09 au 12 juillet 2006, Université Abd el hamid ben Badis de Mostaganem, Algérie.
11- B. Lasri, M. Bouamoud and J. Hanssen, "A new variationnel model for the excitation of Xe52+(1s2) ions impinging on a Silicon monocrystal in channelling conditions", Colloque National Sur La Chimie et l'environnement (CNCE 2008), SAIDA, les 26 et 27 Avril 2008.
______________________________________________________________________ III. Organisation des Séminaires:
1- Membre du comité d'organisation du Séminaire National sur les Ressources en Eaux : Problématiques et Perspectives. Centre Universitaire de Saïda, Institut d'Hydraulique, les 15 et 16 Novembre 1999.
2- Membre du comité d'organisation du Séminaire National sur les Ressources en Eaux : Problématiques et Perspectives. Centre Universitaire de Saïda, Institut d'Hydraulique, les 21 et 22 Novembre 2001.
3- Membre du comité d'organisation du Premier Séminaire National sur la Spectroscopie du 15 au 17 Décembre 2002, Saïda , Algérie.
4- Membre du comité d'organisation du Séminaire National sur les Ressources en Eaux et environnement. Centre Universitaire Dr Moulay Tahar de Saïda, Institut d'Hydraulique, les 20 et 21 Octobre 2003.
5- Membre du comité d'organisation du " International Conference on Physical Systems, Electrical, Electronics Engineering and Communication " ELECOM"04" , les 04 et 05 Mai 2004, Centre Universitaire de Saïda, Algérie.